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Tips to pass the AWS Solutions Architect — Professional (SAP-C01) certification exam

If you are reading this, you may already know the AWS Certifications are a great way to improve your AWS expertise and are a high valuable achievement to have in your resume in this fast growing and high demanding times that we’re living the last years, that’s why I want to tell you about how did I pass one of the big certifications on AWS, the AWS Solutions Architect — Professional certification, this certification is arguably the most difficult one (at least top 3) according to many in the AWS certified community, 13x AWS certified experts and myself, even some sources estimate a failure rate between 50–72%, in fact I haven’t pass a single practice exam at the first attempt I’ve scored around 70% and I’ve repeat every single practice exam, but in this post I want to share with you some tips that could help you to prepare better against the big boss.
Before we start I’ll encourage you to download the official exam guide, reading this will give you the perspective of the number of services covered and the generalities of the exam.